one morning i woke up and put my shoes on and there was a toad in my shoe. i wondered... 'what could this mean? what sort of omen is this, or is it?' then after that things got wierder.
the moon got strange...
and then, while we were on a hike last week todd was clearing the trail with a machete and cut a vine snake right in half thinking it was a vine. it was hanging right above his head, and the bloody tail swung down into his face to his alarm. the sad snake slowly looked at his wound and fell off the branch. it was very sad. enlarge the picture for a better view.
and some other wierd stuff happened... but i wondered if all the 'roots' were branching out from the toad in my shoe.
K I am seriously starting to think that someone should be following you guys around with a camera and your life should be a reality show. :) I feel like I'm watching some show or reading a book when I read your blog!! Plus the way you write is just down right hillarious!! You are seriously so dang funny!!
Did the toad have flared nostrils and red eyes? If so, you're in luck! You were actually visited by Chan Chu, the "Lucky Money Toad". According to Feng Shui lore, it is believed to drive away evil, protect wealth, and increase income(see wikipedia). However, the luck might have been reversed when you beheaded the snake--accident or not.
I probably would have peed my pants! And maybe screamed my guts out if I found a toad in my shoe. I don't know how you do it!! You are so adventurous! I agree with Jen, you guys would make an awsome reality show!
I forgot to tell you how much I loved the lily pads, and moon, and tree!
Planet Wierd
Oh Ash,
I just thought it would be funny if that is all that I commented, but I just can't do it! I got your letter and I loved it! I want to email you, but what address should I use? Todd's? Last time it didnt work cause you never wrote me back.
Goodbye Ash. I've loved you all this time. You've had a good run.
Thanks for your letter buddy. I haven't yet read it because my dad forwarded it my house and it got lost, but my days have been that much better knowing it might appear at any given moment. Especially now that you won't be with us for very long. I love you so much.
O K. I even creeped myself out a little. You won't die-- but the snake did and that's still sad. Think how Sare must feel.
Nice Choppin toady, Methinks I would have shat my pants had that snake fallen on my face. We're all headed to cataract this weekend, wish you were here. This will be the first "Motor" trip for your brothers. Don't feel bad, all you're really missing is 98 miles of flat water. pollywog
Todd, don't forget to bring the machete back with you. It will come in handy on the inevitable Bear River Range Bushwacks.
Judging from the artistic photos, I think it may have been a psychedelic tree frog in your shoe.
Hey, at least you didn't freeze the snake, put it in a cooler, and bury it with the echo people in the desert. Or did you?
Ash, what's your email? I get all my info second hand from Creed or Janine through Todd. So, I'd like to chat with you. You can give it to me on facebook.
you're on facebook? Aren't we all really in our own way? All this emailing, blogging, even handwritten letters, why wouldn't we add facebook to the list.
OH Ash, I probably should be emailing you, but I'm already here. I kissed your letter when I finisher reading it. (I realize the typo, but I kind of like finisher better than finished now. Everything happens for a reason. live. laugh. love.) I literally pressed my lips against it-- that's how happy I was and how hard I laughed. YOu are a true genious. Oh it made me miss you so much though. no wonder you are wasting away to a small stick-- the food there sounds like bum. I am sending Reese's Puffs via VIP-- ooh, that sounds nice doesn't it. via VIP-- ok.
well I love you love you love you and I hope you don't wear your helmets again so you can come home. not really.
but kind of.
thanks so much for your letter!
'ello darling. here is jenny purdie's email:
i was just thinking to myself that i wish i could see video clips of you guys there ... any chance of that occuring? tromping through the trees, screaming at toads, modeling. i just need to see it in action. :)
be safe! i miss you. love to you -
Hey Ash! I've been silently reading your blog for a few months now, but I didn't want to post and freak you out, so I was glad when you posted on mine. I seriously can't believe all the crazy stuff you are doing! I would have freaked out at the toad. Everyone always says they jump away from people, but not me, they jump at me! I'm not a big fan of them. I would like to send you some butter to eat. You are so skinny. How is that working there, don't you miss each other? When are you guys coming back? I'd love to video too like others have commented. It would be awesome! Well, I love you Ash! I hope all is well. Take care of yourself out there, and be safe.
That was an awesome post!! The pictures are awesome!! I agree that you should be on a reality show! I would be watching it every week!! I love all your adventures!! I love toads!! He just wanted to be your friend! answer your question...we live close to your parents now!! yeah!!
Todd, it's your old buddy Seth. You never know who is looking at your life on a blog. I must say your adventures look freaking awesome!
I hope you don't mind me peeking at your blog, but I was posting a comment on Maren's and saw your comment and found your awesome blog! It sounds like you are having the coolest adventure. You look great and I love the pictures you posted! You are so funny!
Camie (Evans) Sunderland :)
My heart about broke its own valves when i looked at that snake. i saw the picture a week ago but was too sad to do anything. i now am able to type about it but not yet able to talk about it. That is my favorite kind of snake. Im leaving in 2 weeks to come see you! Im starting to think that we should just meet up as soon as possible (A-SAP). I'll call you. Love you! love, sara
Heart break over a snake cut in half? Sara you should be shouting for joy! The world could use a few less snake, especially the ones that decieve you into thinking their a tree, vine or other inatimate object! Just kidding Sara, your free to love anything you want. I just about stepped on one 2 days ago while on our Cataract Canyon trip, he's luck I didn't have a large blunt object! I darn near had to change my pants afterward. Keep choppin Toddy!
I am in agreeance with Creedence, one less snake makes a better world. I really missed you guys on our trip. Oddly enough I had a picture of the two of you in a book I took (nothing creepy, just coincidence, swear) so really it is like you were there the whole time. I miss you guys tons. It is natural resource week on campus, and nothing says natural resource like Toad and Trash.
Love nature-
iTodd and Ash Drive,
Boy if someone would have told me that you two were going to Belize to smash toads with your feet and chop snakes in half with machetes, I'd neve have believed them. (Take THAT, God's creations!)
Meanstwhile, I am in Washington making phone calls to Linda Carter, Television's "Wonderwoman." (True story. Sometimes I wonder if I haven't done something to upset Chan Chu myself.)
Your blog is a lot of fun to read, so keep the posts coming. See you in December.
Yea! 21 posts! You're so popular and loved...can you feel it...the love...
Has the wierdness calmed at all, or has it increased?
I think I'll start saying, "Chan Chu" after people sneeze, just to mix it up, and it's fun to say.
We're getting geared up for Miranda's halloween party. I'm being a devil, with a "war" shirt, and Brian will be an winged angel, with a "peace" shirt. Afterwards will march on the state capitol with anti-war signs.
Okay, I'm going to be the 23rd comment!! Wow you guys are really loved. We haven't heard from you guys for awhile? Is everyone ok? We are going to miss you this year at Maren and Rivers Halloween birthday party!! Dad and Maren are both going to be SpongeBob Sqarepants, and I will be Mrs Potts from Beauty and the Beast, and Nate Jack Sparrow from Pirates!! We will definitely post pictures on the blog!! It will be quite the show I'm sure!!
Love ya!!
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