
Jami and Devin
we love you,
ashli and todd


more pictures

Here are some pictures of lasts weeks little outing to the Blue Hole National Park, it is about 4 miles south of Armenia. The pictures are Ash standing in front of the blue hole swimming area, pictures of our hike in the jungle, walking along the road with our roomate Bertie, and a picture of ash with our host family and their 2 pet woodpeckers, love you all
todd ash


belize city

hey everybody, we have to take advantage of the open computer, there is only one here for the 38 of us, things all still rollin along, today we all split up in groups and went on a scavenger hunt of sorts, the purpose being to get all the new volunteers familiar with the bus system, and other citys and places we may need to go, i spent the morning in belize city with a couple of other people, and ash has yet to return from san ignacio, it seems pretty normal for peace corps, but when i think about it, it is pretty funny that ash is traveling somewhere where she has never been with to girls who have also never been, in the middle of some randon central american country, we shall see what happens, everything is still the same here, training and more training, when we get any news we will be sure to let everyone know, talk to you all later
todd ash


first week in belize

we finally made it, we had a cancelled flight and an extra day in miami, but we are now in belmopan the capital city of about 5000 people, i heard somewhere that it is one of the smallest capitals in the americas. we are living in a small town/village about 15 miles south of town, we live with host families all 38 of us, the families are amazing, they are very acomadating, after these 2 weeks we leave for the north somewhere near orange walk to train for 6 weeks then we have another we until we swear in august 22. belize in great, hot, humid, hot, and humid pretty much sums in up, the village we are in is at the foot of the maya mtns, it is beautiful, mangos, avocados, coconuts, lots of fresh fruit... and the kids just climb right up and get it. and they have TWO PET WOODPECKERS! and we have rats.... hey brandon GOOD LUCK TOMORROW going to Cambodia! that is awesome... keep us "posted".. love you all! ashli and todd (oh and that's a picture of todd taking a bucket bath!)


peace corps out

well today we finished staging and tommorow we take off for belize, we land at 10 am in belize and go to the training facility in Belmopan the capital city, things will be crazy the first week or so, so dont expect any calls and possible emails, we will get in touch as soon as we can, we have 2.5 weeks of training and living with a host family then we will be heading for specific training and language, when we find out more we will tell everyone, until then we love you all, thanks for everything, and we will see you all in the future,
todd and ash


"Belize" it or not.....

Two weeks until we leave to peace corps!!!

We will miss all of you! Thanks for spending time with us before we go. We love you all!